Remote Production Conference

As the need for remote production became essential during the pandemic, FMC produced a multi-day, multi-track, online training conference designed to promote safer and more efficient remote production solutions.

Following the brand guidelines established by FMC’s lead graphic designer, Dan Miller, I assisted with creating social media assets, web banner adverts, and email blasts to promote the first Remote Production Conference.

Company: Future Media Conferences

Role: Marketing Manager

Impact: Event resulted in 500+ international registrants.

Social Media Promo

Posts were optimized for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Facebook carousel ads.


Promotional Emails

Announced upcoming events, speaker line-up, and anticipated sessions.


Remote Production Tip Series

Brainstormed a series on social media to gain the attention of people looking to improve their production workflows or get into livestreaming as they would be the ideal target audience for the Remote Production Conference.

Speaker Sharing Assets

Created a template that was easy to use to populate custom speaker graphics for promotions.


Post|Production World


FCPX Global Virtual Summit