LevelUp Ventures - Connect Care Hero

Level Up Ventures invests in tech-enabled, early-stage startups led by Black and Latino founders. They provide financial investment opportunities with support from Hearst. As part of a portfolio spotlight series on the Level Up Ventures LinkedIn page, I created this video to feature Connect Care Hero — a digital platform featuring an extensive library of live video content and activities for the elderly.

They work closely with nursing homes to provide more specialized programming, especially activities that may resonate with minorities. Activities include cooking shows for Asian and Hispanic cuisines, mariachi dance lessons, virtual bowling and more.

Sustainability Report - Hearst España

As a part of Hearst’s yearly Sustainability Report, I was tasked to create a sizzle video featuring Hearst Magazines International business, Hearst España.

Hearst España works to lead change in the Spanish publishing sector, using the power and reach of its brands to promote environmental innovation and climate action.

Hearst Community Report - CDS Global

As part of Hearst’s annual Community Report, I was tasked to create a video featuring the impact of CDS Global, the largest magazine fulfillment house in North America owned by Hearst Corporation.

This video highlights CDS Global’s non-profit efforts which include: donations processing, donor acknowledgements, marketing services and customer service for non-profits.