FCPX Global Virtual Summit

Usually hosted in Cupertino, this event took place as a week-long virtual event instead. As the company pivoted from physical events to a more virtual approach, we noticed that clear and consistent online communication before, during, and after the event was essential.

Following the brand guidelines established by FMC’s lead graphic designer, Dan Miller, I assisted with creating social media assets, web banner adverts, and email blasts to promote the annual conference for Final Cut Pro editors.

An events platform was created for a more cohesive digital experience along with Zoom webinars with which I assisted with branding.

Company: Future Media Conferences

Role: Marketing Manager

Impact: Event resulted in 400+ registrants from all over the globe.

Social Media Promo

Posts were optimized for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Facebook carousel ads.

Event Email Blasts

Managed marketing schedule, designed e-blasts, and wrote promotional content for the company and marketing partners.

Event Platform Branding & Messaging

Created the events app splash page and banner adverts to highlight core sponsors, partners, and special events.

Event App How-To Graphics

Based on previous feedback, attendees requested a quicker and easier way to demonstrate app navigation. Instead of creating a 5-10 minute video overview of each aspect of the event platform, we created short instructional animations highlighting essential aspects of the app. The influx of questions during the first few days of the event lowered considerably since implementing these graphics in the events launch email, socials, and customer service responses.

Post-Event Highlights

Edited Zoom recordings to share event highlights on Future Media Conferences social channels.

Bonus: Film Festival Submission

As an additional benefit for attendees, the program manager challenged them to participate in a 15-second film festival which resulted in over 30 submissions.

Here is my personal submission inspired by childhood nostalgia.


Remote Production Conference


On Forty-Four Restaurant Menu